Overcoming Bandwidth Limitations in Wireless Sensor Networks by Exploitation of Cyclic Signal Patterns: An Event-triggered Learning Approach
Author(s): | Jonas Beuchert and Friedrich Solowjow and Sebastian Trimpe and Thomas Seel |
Journal: | Sensors |
Volume: | 20 |
Number (issue): | 1 |
Pages: | 260 |
Year: | 2020 |
Month: | January |
Department(s): | Intelligent Control Systems |
Bibtex Type: | Article (article) |
Paper Type: | Journal |
DOI: | 10.3390/s20010260 |
State: | Published |
Links: |
BibTex @article{beuchert20, title = {Overcoming Bandwidth Limitations in Wireless Sensor Networks by Exploitation of Cyclic Signal Patterns: An Event-triggered Learning Approach}, author = {Beuchert, Jonas and Solowjow, Friedrich and Trimpe, Sebastian and Seel, Thomas}, journal = {Sensors}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {260}, month = jan, year = {2020}, doi = {10.3390/s20010260}, month_numeric = {1} } |